Alexander Hill1

Last Edited11 Feb 2017
     NOTE: The information on this page is my research to date and is subject to change as I become better informed. I very much welcome any corrections or additional info you might have - my email address is at the bottom of this page. Whilst historical facts are not copyright, my writing about these facts are. If you wish to use any text from this site on Ancestry or on any other website, please ask me first - Tim Hill.
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Alexander Hill married Janet Fulton Watson, daughter of Robert Henderson Watson and Agnes Webb Higgins, in 1918 at Brisbane.2

Janet applied for dissolution of her marriage on 25 June 1930:

Janet Fulton Hill, of Kelvin Grove, petitioned for a dissolution of her marriage with Alexander Hill, of Sydney, on the ground of desertion.

Mr. B. H. Matthews (instructed by Messrs. M. B. Deacon and Drake) appeared for the plaintiff; there was no appearance for the defendant.

Plaintiff stated that the marriage took place at Brisbane on November 30, 1918. There was no issue. Tiley lived at Rocklea at first, but were asked to leave there because of her husband's drinking. He was a motor driver for a brewery. Afterwards they lived at Newmarket for six weeks, at the residence of her husband's mother, but had to leave there also because of her husband's drinking habits. Nexit they lived at Edmond stone-street, South Brisbane, until December 31, 1919. Plaintiff's husband often knocked her about, giving her black eyes. In October, 1927, defendant asked plaintiff for £6/10/, which she refused to give him. He used filthy language towards her. That was the last occasion on which she saw him. She had supported her- self by tailoring and dressmaking.

His Honour granted a decree nisi, returnable in three months.3


1930Quotation type 23


Janet Fulton Watson (1893-)


  1. [S260] Queensland, Marriage Certificate, Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages 1918 No. B22314.
  2. [S260] Queensland, Marriage Certificate, Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages 1918 No. B22314 Index only.
  3. [S350] The Brisbane Courier, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 1930 'THE LAW COURTS.', The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), 26 June, p. 14, viewed 10 May, 2013,